Today is the Sabbath, a day of rest. There are six days for work then the seventh day is the Sabbath. The six days of work are from Sunday through Friday. The Sabbath day is Saturday, the seventh day. The Bible says that the seventh day is the Sabbath day. If Yeshua kept the seventh day Sabbath and He is the only perfect example of how we should live our lives then why do we keep a different day as Sabbath? There are a lot of people who keep Sunday as the Sabbath, Sunday is the first day. The Bible says that there are six days of work and then a day of rest. The Bible also says that Elohim created the world in six days and on the seventh day He rested from all of His work. You might say that Yeshua did away with the Torah and that includes the Sabbath. But He did not do away with the Torah because that would be a sin and there is one thing that He cannot do and that is sin.
Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it set-apart. Ex. 20:8
There is a really good documentary out that I think every one should see. It is so good that I would watch it 100's of times if I could. It is called The Way. Here is the trailer:
I love music so much. Music has a meaning. My family is very careful about what type of music we listen to and allow in the home. Some people think that if you are careful about what type of music is allowed in the home that you will not be able to find good music, But that's not true. There is a lot of good music out there. Life is full of sounds and music. When we sing, let us sing to Yahweh. If we are kind of off-key when we sing or if we are going up too high or if we are going down too low, what does it matter? If people say that you sound awful because you are out of tune or you don't have the tune right, so what! You're singing to Yahweh not to them. As long as you're doing your best you have nothing to be ashamed of. When you sing to Yahweh He will hear a very beautiful melody. Here are a few of my favorite songs. I hope you like them.