Sunlit Shaddows

Sunlit Shaddows

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Standing With Israel And In Truth

My family and I made our decision to stand with Israel a very long time ago. So many countries  attack Israel simply because they do not like them because they are the chosen people. Elohim says that if you bless Israel He will bless you, but if you curse Israel He will curse you. It is completely wrong to attack them just for being Jewish or just for being the chosen people.

Either last year or the year before I did this. I think I did it year before last. 

My family also made the decision to follow truth instead of lies about seven and a half years ago. The Torah still applies for today, all of it, not just some of it. The Sabbath, the food laws, the feast days, all of it. Those who say that the Torah was done away with have been misled by tradition and wrong theology. If Yeshua did away with the Torah that would have made Him a sinner and there is one thing that He cannot do and that is sin. He is perfect. He kept His Fathe'rs laws, all of them not just some of them. Also if Yeshua kept all of the Torah, (His Fathers Law), and He is a perfect example of how we are to live our lives and we are to follow in His footsteps then why are people not doing this? Because they are so steeped in tradition and doctrinal bias that they do not understand. My family and I use to be steeped in man's traditions and church doctrine too. Thankfully we are not any more. I pray that those of you who read my blog, if you are not a believer, that your eyes will soon be opened to the truth, before it is too late.

My sisters and I love this song.