Sunlit Shaddows

Sunlit Shaddows

Monday, July 2, 2018

A Lot Has Changed

I know its been almost a year since I posted on here last, but during that time a lot has changed.
First of all I am no longer a messianic believer, and I have many reasons, I have also done a lot of studying.
Last year in April a friend of my moms contacted her on Facebook and said that they no longer believed in the nt (New Testament), they said that they had found a lot of errors and things that just didn't make sense and didn't add up with the Torah and the rest of Tanak. My mom asked for their study notes, we were going to prove them wrong, but the more we studied the more we realized that we were the ones who were wrong. We did a lot of studying, we kept looking for verses that would prove the nt was right, but we couldn't find anything. With much prayer and studying we left the nt. We always thought that we had peace, but we didn't' know what peace really was until we left christianity and the messianic movement behind us. Ask any person from any religion and they always tell you that they have peace. My family and I are now heading towards Judaism.
Some people upon hearing this might be angry, mad, or curious.

I know that a lot of my posts are not correct and have a bunch of lies, but I wouldn't trade my journey for another one. I'm sorry about sharing things on my blog that aren't true.
I will be going through my posts and removing most or all of them sometime next week including this one and starting over.

This is what I am hoping for all of you, even if you don't think you would ever leave the nt, please always keep an open mind, always. I would hope that you would study this out and see what you find, don't be afraid to dig deep, because the only way you are going to find truth is by digging for truth, and sometimes that means digging deep.

If you are interested I have a blog for my journey

Here are a few things from Tanak that prove the nt wrong.
Ezekiel 18 says that each and every person is responsible for his or her own sin. We don't need someone to come and die for us, because we are responsible.
God also says that He won't do anything new without informing the prophets, well, in the Tanak He never said anything in there about jc (Jesus/Yeshua) to the prophets.
Also God never changes, nor will He change His plans.
There is also a place in the Tanak that says that God "is not a man that He should lie, nor the son of man that He should change is mind".
Another thing is that God hates human sacrifice, a human sacrifice is an abomination.
There are many, many, many more. I hope that you will study it out for yourselves.
