Last week my brother-in-law, Ben, and my dad took my three younger sisters and me fishing. It was really fun. I haven't been fishing for a long time and so this was really nice. We got to the lake and my dad and Ben had to get our fishing poles ready for us. After they got them ready for us we all walked down to the rocks at the edge of the lake. My sisters and I had no clue how to throw the fishing lines out. So my dad and Ben spent a lot of time doing that for us. They also had to bait our hooks for us because we did not know how. I figured out how to bait the hooks but I still left that for the men because we were using live bait. For the bait we were using worms, minnows and leaches. If I had to bait the hooks I would have only used the minnows. I will never ever touch leaches or worms as they are one of the most horrible animals on earth but that is a topic that I am not going to talk about. So back to fishing. I was the first one to catch one, it was a sunny. I'm not exactly sure who caught the next one but we all got some or one. I was the one who caught the most, not to be boastful or anything, but it is the truth. I caught mostly sunny's and most of them were too small. Dad and Ben spent most of the time baiting our hooks and fixing the poles when the lines broke and unknotting the lines when us girls knotted them. Ben caught a northern and it was really very big. Then one of my younger sisters, Jennella, caught a bass and it was also very big. The bass that she caught was so heavy that it almost broke the line while it was still in the water. Ben helped her pull it up just in time, the line broke just as they landed the fish. My dad was the one with the camera so he took the pictures.
This is the lake. It's very pretty.
This is me with one of the fish that I caught.

Jennella, MaryKaytelyn, and I are in this picture together. They had the spot that they were going to fish at already picked out and I was still looking for the spot that I wanted to stand at while I fished,
Ben with the big Northern that he caught. I think he had fun with that one.
Jennella and MaryKaytelyn are fishing side by side. They had a blast.
Carrie and I fishing side by side. We had a blast. .
Jennella with one of the fish that she caught. She is very happy with her accomplishment.
It's a fish.
Carrie is waiting for a bite on her line.
MaryKaytelyn is waiting for a bite on her line.
Jennella is waiting for the fish to bite.

Marykaytalen with the fish that she caught.

The pole was starting to bend when Jennella caught the big bass.
Jennella and the big bass that she caught.
Taking the hook out of the mouth of the big bass.
Carrie with one of the fish that she caught.
We did catch some good looking bullheads but we let them go because they are unclean and it would go against Torah to eat them. After we went home we were talking about cleaning the fish. I don't like doing that type of stuff because it is gross. When they cleaned the fish that night I did not have to help, thankfully, because I had to go chase down a cat who had gotten out. And I have to go now because that same cat just got out and he is not suppose to be outside. So I am going to go chase him down.