Sunlit Shaddows

Sunlit Shaddows

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Return, Repent, Teshuvah

It was 7 years ago that my family started to keep the Torah.  At first we just kept the Sabbath and then we began to keep the feast days and all of the food laws.  A lot of people say that all of those laws are just for Israel and so we don't have to keep them.  If we are the chosen people then we become part of Israel.  People think that they can eat meats the Bible says not to because they look at just one little phrase instead of the whole thing.  You have to look at it in light of the whole of Scripture.  If you read the whole thing it will say it is wrong.  We should return to following the instructions of the Father and repent of going our own way.

                                               This is one of my favorite songs "Teshuvah"

This is very good. It made my dads jaw drop.

This is a good song and it just happens to be some of my sisters favorites and it is one of my favorites as well.


  1. I'd really like to follow your blog. Do you think you could put a follow by email option up? Good post. I'll come back and watch the videos tomorrow (don't want to wake the children or hubby). Have a goodnight.
